7 March 1995 ********* ******** ******** ** ********** ********** ** ** * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ********** ** ** ** ********** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ********** ** ** ********** ******** ** ** ** International__Genealogy__Association - IGA_Net(tm) ** -= Serving Genealogy Bulletin Boards and Users =- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A filebone for IGA_Net File Distribution System (IGA_FDS) is maintained by Jessica Veinot, Filebone Coordinator, at 440:1/5 and Jessica Veinot, File Vault, at 440:1/6. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The filebone is for the benefit of members of IGA_Net(tm), providing the foundation for the automatic transfer of files as file echoes, supported by an automatic announcement mechanism. Members may, and are encouraged, to furnish as much genealogical information as they can to the file echoes in place, and to consider establishing new file echoes as information of varying types becomes available to them. Software authors are encouraged to upload their software directly to the Filebone Coordinator's board at 440:1/5. If this is neither practical nor possible, then the software should be file-attached up through distribution channels to 440:1/5. Persons desiring to hatch genealogical data should also follow these same procedures. There are only two hatch sites in IGA_Net: 440:1/5, Filebone Coordinator 440:1/1, Zone Coordinator The Filebone Coordinator anticipates being an integral factor in assisting IGA_Net members with their file requirements. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- To request a filebone conference, send a Netmail message as follows: The netmail should be sent directly to your "uplink". That is, the system you regularly your echomail from. Your uplink will then, in turn pass the request upward if (s)he does not already have the file echo established. From: Your-Zone-440-Node-Number To: ALLFIX or AREAMGR ( then the address of your uplink) < This is usually accomplished by entering the word "ALLFIX" followed by the << ENTER >> key, which will produce an invoked comma << , >>, to which you should respond with the node number. Re: Your-Password Your-Password is a password you have been allocated for ALLFIX. If you do not currently have a password, submit your request with a password of your choice, and your initial request will be handled by the target node. In the body of the message to ALLFIX: + To connect to an area - To disconnect from an area %H[ELP] To request this message %L[IST] To request a list of available areas %Q[UERY] To request a list of active areas %U[NLINKED] To request a list of available, but as yet unlinked areas %P[ASSWORD] To change your AreaMgr password %-[ALL] To disconnect from all areas %+[ALL] To connect to all all areas %+ To connect to a group of file echoes %- To disconnect a group of file echoes %C[OMPRESSION] Choose the compression type (ARC,ARJ,LZH,PAK,ZIP) %NOTIFY= To turn the notify function on/off %MESSAGE= To turn the message function on/off %TICK= To turn the TICK file option on/off %STATUS To request a status report (message, notify, etc.) %RESEND To request that ALLFIX resend a file %INACTIVE To temporarily turn off all areas %ACTIVE To turn any inactive areas back on --- this "tearline" of three dashes is REQUIRED at the end of the message. Everything below the tear line is ignored. Example: By: Joe Doe To: ALLFIX, 440:115/1 Re: My-Password St: Pvt Local Kill ------------------------------------------------- +ITUS -ITUK %QUERY %LIST %PASSWORD mypassword %NOTIFY=On --- where, in this example the file echo ITUS would be added, and the file echo ITUK would be deleted. The "---" tearline MUST be specified to indicate the end of the list of requests. Certain filebone areas are restricted. If your request for ALLFIX results in you receiving a message which states that you are not authorized to receive the file echo requested, you must contact the Filebone Coordinator at 440:1/5 and request authorization to receive it. The Filebone Coordinator's decision is based on decisions make by the coordinators of the network. You may also route these requests through your uplink or host connection. If you are granted access to a restricted conference, you are expected to honor the restrictions,if any, that are placed upon you. For a listing of the file areas currently on the filebone, please see the file: IGA_ECHO.TXT which is contained in the IGA-INFO packet. --------------------------------------------------------------------------